Can your lawyer or someone come with you when meeting with someone like a producer or director?

2018-08-31 11:41 am
With all these issues with sexual assault and harassment, I was wondering whether it's actually possible to have someone you trust around you at all costs when meeting with someone who has power such as a producer? I mean I can imagine it being less likely for someone of such status to harass you if they're okay with you bringing a friend or lawyer just to be around during the meeting to make sure that you get treated with respect.

回答 (5)

2018-08-31 11:46 am
yup, you can also take your mommy to job interviews, but it reduces your chance of getting the job
2018-08-31 11:46 am
You know there’s no law on this, right?

If a powerful director or producer tells takes a meeting with you, you typically wouldn’t start making demands.

And you can’t just bring a plus one. Only people listed on a security list will be permitted on set or into a studio.

I get wanting to be safe. But, it’s also kinda like asking to bring your BFF to the final round of a job interview.

Confidentiality is one of the big reasons someone would say no. Sure, an NDA can be signed, but Stormy Daniels. Friends get angry and suddenly the big plot surprise in Star Wars 57 is on an anonymous Twitter account.

Another is simply because of privacy and JUST BECAUSE. It’s not a “red flag” if it’s declined. That’s ridiculous.
2018-08-31 8:29 pm
Yeah, you are going to get hired for a ton of stuff if you bring a lawyer to every meeting.
2018-08-31 12:24 pm
i dont see why not
2018-08-31 11:43 am
As if a director or producer would want to meet you. lol

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