Modal Verbs (Possibility)?

2018-08-31 11:30 am
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of "may" or "might".

1. Candidates ______ not use calculators for this paper.

2. I don't think I'll get there in time but I ______ as well try.

3. What you say _____ be true, but it makes no difference at all.

回答 (1)

2018-08-31 2:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Candidates MAY not use calculators for this paper. 這是指示句,並不是開放式的選擇,因此這may是"容許"的意思。

2. I don t think I ll get there in time but I MIGHT as well try. 這句本人已經明知準時到達的"機會"不大,但仍表示"姑且"一試,所以便用"不確定"的might.

3. What you say MAY be true, but it makes no difference at all. 按正常文法句式,現在時態表達認同是"可能"的,而不是說反話的"不同意",因此選用may.

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