Modal Verbs (Obligation and Prohibition)?

2018-08-31 11:26 am
Complete the sentences with "must / mustn't / needn't" or a suitable form of "have to".

1. It's still early so we ______ rush home yet.

2. Children in Hong Kong ______ stay at school till the age of 15.

3. I ______ go to school yesterday morning because it was a school holiday. Therefore I went shopping with my friends.

回答 (1)

2018-08-31 2:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. It's still early so we NEED NOT (NEEDN'T) rush home yet.

2. Children in Hong Kong MUST stay at school till the age of 15.

3. I DID NOT NEED TO go to school yesterday morning because it was a school holiday. Therefore I went shopping with my friends.

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