What are the benefits of learning a second language?

2018-08-29 6:57 pm

回答 (13)

2018-08-30 12:20 am
When my coworkers were being laid off, I retained employment because I was the guy handling the translations of our software products.
2018-08-30 5:01 am
i don't know
2018-08-31 7:26 am
As you learn English--5 cases only
-----------------------------No decline nouns
-----------------------------only adj;adv; prep need care and share a bit in Chi/Eng as International Languages.
2018-09-02 10:05 pm
Bilingual Children: As a baby learns its native tongue, much of its ability to execute speech is fixed in a region of the brain known as Broca’s area. Recently, researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York used functional magnetic resonance imaging to determine what part of the brain is active when bilingual subjects use one language or the other. They discovered that when a person learns two languages simultaneously as a young child, both are stored in the same part of Broca’s area. However, when a second language is learned during adolescence or later, it appears to be located alongside the first, rather than intermingled with it. The Times newspaper of London comments: “It is as if learning the first language has set the circuits in Broca’s area, and so the second language must be accommodated elsewhere.” The researchers feel that this may help explain why it is harder to learn a second language later in life.

Do not become discouraged, though. Listen carefully, and gradually you will be able to distinguish certain words, then phrases and sentences.
However, you also want to express yourself, not just listen. To be able to speak the new language properly, your tongue, throat, lips, and, yes, even your breathing, have to cooperate. When you first repeat a word, it will not sound the same as it does when a native speaks it. Why? Well, your tongue and the other parts of your mouth are accustomed to certain movements required to speak your mother tongue. Changing these movements requires time and effort. Keep on trying. Do not give up. Others have overcome the same problems, and you will be interested in how they have done this.
參考: jw.org
2018-08-30 8:28 pm
Learning any new language is the best exercise for the brain. There are many other advantages of learning any second language. Few of them are:
You learn about the culture
It helps in travel & making friends
Helps in Emigration
You will get more career opportunities
Improves multitasking ability
All the best!
參考: The Language Gallery
2018-08-30 3:17 pm
It activates your brain.
2018-08-29 8:51 pm
To learn a second language expands your brain. It also gives you insight into another culture and allows you to see the world from a broader perspective. It also allows you to communicate directly with people you wouldn't otherwise be able to.
2018-08-31 1:23 pm
They are numerous, among them not having to depend to find someone who speaks your own.
參考: Fluency in three languages, conversant in two more, and know some useful words or phrases in many others.
2018-08-30 2:06 am
Personally I have never found one.
2018-08-29 7:34 pm
the same benefits of the first language only in a different place.

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