Can you pay for something with just cents?

2018-08-29 12:11 am
Like is it okay? Please answer and let me know Thanks

回答 (6)

2018-08-29 12:29 am
Pennies, along with all coins are legal tender. Some businesses won't accept them as they do not have facilities to accept cash, but most, like grocery stores and convenience stores and such, do accept coinage. They may not like you as they have to count and roll the coins later, but they should. (Remember, however that the store has the right to refuse in such times that it becomes difficult to do so, such as during a rush. YOu'd do better to stop at any bank and use your 'cents' to buy 'greenbacks.')
2018-08-29 12:19 am
Yes. One time I paid for a case of Budweiser with dimes, nickles and pennies from my change jar.

The sales clerk was mad as hell and told me to not come back - ever.

The people behind me were pretty pissed off too.

Some stores actually have signs telling you they do not accept payment in all coin.

BUT can do that.

Be prepared for a lot of people who do not work at that store to get on your case...screaming and all that stuff.

Have fun.

Record it on your cell phone.
2018-08-29 1:05 am
It is legal but it is a pain in the butt. If it's a massive amount of pennies, like over 100, they could refuse to take them.
2018-08-29 12:16 am
5 of them will buy a nickel
2018-08-29 12:24 am
Take your stupid change to the bank and get real money. It's not fair to the cashiers or the other customers to have to wait while your change is counted.
2018-08-29 4:04 am
The law says "subsidiary coinage" (as in nickels and pennys) are legal tender to $20.00. This law was enacted way back when dimes and bigger coins were real silver.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:15:26
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