is intelligence a behaviour?

2018-08-27 6:35 pm

回答 (4)

2018-11-15 6:19 pm
Brilliant question perhaps thought efficiency

So intelligence might be assisted with more

Harmony and music etc because music

Lights up a MRI machine viewed live shows

The whole brain light up, check with a music

Therapist ok?


Very best wishes for your future success


Source :) Study Informal.
2018-08-27 8:16 pm
I think it's a capacity for a behavior, not in itself a behavior. Don't know what the textbooks say about that tho.
2018-08-27 6:44 pm
In Chapter 13 of Analysis of behaviour by B. F. Skinner and J. G. Holland is described how intelligence influences the behavior. (Contrary to older psychologist the experimental animal is in the box influenced by emotions and that's why its behavior is chaotic. It is not learning but adaptation which is as shorter as the intelligence prevails.)
2018-08-27 6:37 pm
No but it does influence behavior.

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