If I have sexual intercourse with a stripper can I get a disease even though I used a condom?

2018-08-27 4:45 am
I went to a strip club with my friends about 3 weeks ago and had intercourse with a stripper and used a condom and I did ejaculate in her. I haven’t felt weird or anything like that I’m just curious will I get infected with a disease if I used a condom on her.

回答 (2)

Herpes, HPV and syphilis can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact. Condoms certainly help lower risk with these, but are not nearly as successful as with other STDs. Just because she is a stripper doesn't mean she has STDs. If you have no symptoms I think it's fair to say you have nothing to worry about.
2018-08-27 7:23 pm
Stds like herpes and HPV can be passed when condoms are used (they can affect areas of the genitals that are not protected by the condom), but not all strippers have stds.
You can have an std and not have any symptoms of one but since you used a condom, the chances of you getting any thing are very low.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:14:07
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