Why do hot girls hate me?

2018-08-26 11:12 pm
I will give details about me just to be specific. I'm a 24 year old man who lives a quiet life. I have a some good friends, popular/friendly with everyone and no quarrels recently so to speak. I go to work from 8 AM-2 PM and after that I just go home and just chill for most of the time. I'm honest, hardworking, loyal and above all quiet/laidback. What's the problem?

回答 (5)

2018-08-26 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You're not giving us much to go on. My guess is that you approach women you consider hot in a way they find annoying or objectifying or creepy.
2018-08-26 11:50 pm
you aren't rich. why would a hot chick want anything to do with you when she can do far better?
2018-08-29 1:41 am
off course you just give us the cliffnotes version of your life. WHERE IS THE DIRT. Come on do you: masturbate to the thought of dead children, choke small animals to feel something other than the monotony of life, open the door for women expecting them to be gratefull but instead get uncomfortable glances, do you use 4chan

if you want help TELL US WHAT MIGHT BE WRONG
2018-08-28 3:38 pm
u might looks unattractive
2018-08-27 12:52 am
Maybe you shouldn't label these women based on their looks and try getting to know them without the false pretense. Be natural around them. Dress comfortably and not in anything ridiculous. Make nice small gestures. Smile. Don't get consumed with being with any particular person. Don't think about sex with any lady just because she went on a date with you. Learn to split the bills or take turns paying the tab to be fair. Take your time getting to know them. Likes dislikes pet peeves pets favorite animals and so on. It's not difficult.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:12:03
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