Am I wrong to break up with my baby daddy ?

2018-08-25 2:51 pm
I feel like I’ve been patient and giving him chances to find a job to support the bills but I’ve only gotten 200$ in 6 months because **** keeps happening and now he got arrested and has to pay court fees which means he can’t pay me rent I’m so ready to break up with him !

回答 (4)

2018-08-25 3:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm with you. In 6 months he's not seen you and the baby as a priority and a reason to get it together to provide for his child. He can't pay rent right now because he owes the court money, but he couldn't pay rent for the last 6 months for some other reason or another. People can change but, in general, a fairly good way to predict their future behaviors is their past ones. He's been doing what he wants to do. Its not providing for his baby.
2018-08-25 3:09 pm
That is the problem with having kids out of wedlock, the baby daddy more often than not does not help support the kid. I suggest you break up with him, get him out of your life and the life of your kid and find a guy who will marry you without you have to have a kid first.
2018-08-25 6:09 pm
THIS is the guy you chose to ride bareback with?
2018-08-25 10:40 pm
Not sure why any woman would stay with a guy who refuses to work. It's just as much your fault by letting him stick around.

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