I’m dying and doctors don’t believe me! What can I do?

2018-08-23 9:29 am
So far I have the following Illneses:

Brain tumor and or brain aneurysm
Liver cancer
Stomach cancer
Stomach Ulcer
Testicular cancer
Skin cancer
Palp itations/heart arrhythmia
Heart failure/heart disease
Colon/rectal cancer.

The doctors tell me I’m fine and refuse to
Give me a proper diagnosis. Meanwhile I’m dying
And no one will help! What can I do!!

回答 (8)

2018-08-23 9:42 am
Go to a psychiatrist...Your last resort...

For someone with a brain tumor you write and spell exceedingly well...
2018-08-23 9:50 pm
You failed to explain how you know you have all that if doctors refuse to give you a "proper diagnosis". Such illnesses are not a joke to the ones actually suffering them. Hypochondriac?
2018-08-23 4:04 pm
Surrender into the Lord and tell him to relieve of the intense hardship.Believe him and do the prayer ,he will help.Do not pray just for prayer sake but pray for the illness after surrendering to him Regards.
2018-08-28 7:26 am
I don't believe that anybody could physically function if indeed they had all of that going on. If you weren't brain dead or damaged severely you would be on machines 24/7 with narcotics for pain management because you would be in hospice until you eventually became deceased. Oh and you'd of been in the news plus the Guinness book of world records because no other person has ever been documented by medical professionals to have all of those things. Either you are a troll or a hypochondriac who spends most of his time on Google diagnosing himself then going to doctors to get attention you wouldn't otherwise. Get help from a psychologist!
2018-08-23 11:57 pm
Are you a doctor or a hypochondiac?
2018-08-25 5:38 am
webmd it
2018-08-24 12:50 pm
2018-08-24 3:06 am

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