How can I make a custom USB device?

2018-08-23 6:18 am
I want to make a USB peripheral device without the use of premade micro-controllers and arduinos and the such.

First off, yes, I know using those is so much simpler, easier, and more practical, but that's not why I'm here. I'm not here for the simple solution, I'm here to learn about how these sorts of things are made.
I want to learn how to program a standard USB interface IC, and how to make custom drivers.

Some information on the topic, USB interface IC suggestions, and guide links would be greatly appreciated!

回答 (2)

2018-08-23 8:08 am
I have an arduino, and am willing to use it to aid in the construction of the device, but I don't want it to be incorporated in the final product.

side note- its not meant to be practical, simple, or easy, its supposed to be educational.
2018-08-23 7:02 am
To give you the shortest version,
I'll say that you will need a microcontroller anyway,
so you might as well use an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi to begin with.

Otherwise, you would have to build a microcontroller yourself,
which would Not be simpler, easier, or practical in any sense.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:09:20
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