
2018-08-22 2:06 pm

回答 (2)

2018-08-22 2:56 pm
2018-09-21 10:12 am
Congratulatory Message from Mr. Zha Peixin Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to Toronto I learned with pleasure that Chinese Canadians from all walks of life in metropolitan Toronto will be holding a grand rally to celebrate the return of Hong Kong in Canada. With this message, I would like to extend my warmest congratulation to the Organizing Committee and the Metropolitan Toronto Chinese Canadians from all walks of life. On July 1st, 1997, the People's Republic of China will resume the exercise of its sovereignty over Hong Kong. This will be an event of great historic significance. Having experienced many vicissitudes of life, Hong Kong will be returning to the embrace of its motherland and wipe out the humiliations inflicted upon it for more than 100 years after the Opium Wars. The smooth process of Hong Kong's return to its motherland represents an important step toward the unification of China. This will demonstrate once again that the unification of China is the trend of the times and desire of the Chinese people. There is no force on earth that can stop this from happening. At the same time, the peaceful resolution of the Hong Kong problem has set an example for successfully resolving by peaceful means international disputes and various international problems left over by history.
中華人民共和國駐加拿大特命全權大使查培新祝賀詞: 欣聞大多倫多各界于六月三十日舉行慶祝香港回歸的盛大集會, 我謹向籌備委員會和大多市各界致以熱烈地祝賀. 一九九七年七月一日,中華人民共和國政府將恢復對香港行使主權;這是一個具有偉大意義的歷史事件. 在歷經百年滄桑以後, 香港重新回歸祖國懷抱;將洗雪中華民族自鴉片戰爭之後一百多年的恥辱. 香港順利回歸又是祖國統一的重要一步, 它再次表明;國家的統一是大勢所趨, 人心所向,是任何力量都無法阻擋的. 香港問題和平解決同時,也為和平解決國際爭端;和各種歷史遺留問題提供了一個成功的範例. Yip

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