Ok i want to note firstly this is out of morbid curiosity and nothing to do with nasty intentions.
In movies, we see a lot of guys getting thrown back by the cannon and we all know its a more pg version of what would actually happen, i want to know how bad would it actually be.
I want to know what would happen to the body if a cannon hit the head/ torso/ legs or arms and what sort of trauma would this cause visually and internally and also to know if the person would be thrown back at all.
Lets start of small with a 6 pounder gun what is firing round shot, then move up to a 12 pounder, then to a 24 pounder cannon and for the hell of it, a 68 pounder cannonade.
If the details about the type of cannons are still not clear enough, understand you can look at a certain model of your choosing. I hope to get interesting answers on this as it has always been a curiosity of mine to understand what these men went through.
Thank you for answering.