Is my answer correct to this math problem? Solve in x^n form. (2^-10/4^2)^7?

2018-08-21 4:47 pm
The answer in the answers page is 2^-98 but I got 4^-49. They both equal the same number according to my calculations, but is one more preferred than the other by teachers and do you think I would be marked wrong for my answer on an exam?

回答 (4)

2018-08-21 5:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Both answers are accepted and would score full marks. However, in my opinion, 2⁻⁹⁸ is a better one as 2 is a prime number.
2018-08-21 5:04 pm
(2^-10/4^2) = (2^-10/(2^2)^2)=(2^-10/2^4) = 2^(-14)
(2^-10/4^2)^7 = (2^(-14))^7 = 2^-98
2018-08-22 6:02 pm
[ 2^(-10) / 2^4 ]^7 = [ 2^(-14) ]^7 = 2^(-98)
2018-08-21 6:27 pm
The answer 2^(-98) is preferable

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