If Mexico pays for the wall, which side would Guantanamo bay be on and would the prisoners be treated better?

2018-08-21 3:30 am

Ok so I suck at geography, but why do Cubans treat prisoners so badly when 9/11 didn't affect them so much or why is it run as if America owns it.

回答 (18)

2018-08-21 3:32 am
Geographically speaking, what on earth does Gitmo have to do with a border wall between the USA and Mexico? Cuba is an island nation, dear.
2018-08-21 3:43 am
G. Bay is in Cuba. Not Mexico.
2018-08-21 12:36 pm
Guantanamo is in CUBA, Dipstick. NOT Mexico.
2018-08-21 3:38 am
Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba, not Mexico.
2018-08-21 3:34 am
apples, oranges and pears, dude...GITMO is not in Mexico
2018-08-21 7:39 pm
The level of education is very poor in the USA if your question has anything to go by......... even I know the 'lets pretend wall' will never be built and even if it was American tax payers will pay for it and the silly man who is spouting this nonsense states it will be built between Mexico/US...Guantanamo bay is in Cuba
2018-08-21 12:46 pm
East. Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba. The wall is not going between Cuba and the U.S.
2018-08-21 12:09 pm
Git Mo is on an ISLAND and Mexico has nothing to do with it. Get a geography book.
2018-08-21 5:22 am
The entire premise is beyond belief. What does Guantanamo have to do with it?
2018-08-21 4:16 am
The cuban side
2018-08-21 3:45 am
Guantanamo is in Cuba.
2018-08-21 3:42 am
Cuba is not Mexico.
2018-08-21 3:31 am
I think Cuba say they will be renting it out to another country.
2018-08-21 3:45 am
Guantanamo Bay is in Cuba, not MEXICO it is also a territory of the US so who paid for the "wall" would not matter, not that Mexico ever will - If the stupid thing is ever built as there are places that it would be physically impossible to built a wall. HOwever, most people including Trump do not seem to understand that.
2018-08-21 8:50 pm
Gitmo is in Cuba.
2018-08-21 1:44 pm
You just FAILED Geography. Guantanamo Bay is NOT anywhere Near Mexico. It is in Cuba.
2018-08-21 4:32 am
2018-08-21 3:31 am

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