If you were a thief, would you prefer the outside lights to be left on? Seems like that would make your job easier.?

2018-08-21 2:09 am

回答 (9)

2018-08-21 2:31 am
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2018-10-05 4:27 am
2018-08-21 2:11 am
Not really.
If the outside lights are left on, people can see you approach the house.
2018-08-21 4:44 am
Oh yeah so its bright enough for the whole neighborhood to see me breaking into a house.
2018-08-21 2:40 am
not a teef
2018-08-21 2:31 am
If i had a deep subconscious wish to be identified when they look at the tapes later.
2018-08-21 2:21 am
2018-08-21 2:16 am
I walked right up to the front door, and used my lock picks like they were keys. Nobody saw anything strange about someone walking up to a door, unlocking it, and walking in. Ten minutes later I was gone. Sold everything for enough to get stoned and never got caught.
2018-08-21 2:13 am
outer lights on.Gun inside.Or pens,knives,dog etc

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