Do bosch super 4 spark plugs need gapping?

2018-08-20 11:21 pm

回答 (6)

2018-08-21 3:15 am
Always check the gap with a feeler gauge, even if the plugs are "pregapped".
2018-08-21 1:15 am
Gap on any new spark plug should be checked before installing. Factory does pre-gap them but that doesn't guarantee that it wasn't dropped at some point.
2018-08-20 11:33 pm
Plug gap should always be checked before installation. They are set at manufacture, but can be off after shipping.
2018-08-29 2:07 pm
It need the filler before installation .The gap tellorance is indicated on the plate at front of the car under the hood normally 0.65” is recommend .the spark it may during packaging or transportation have different gap so is require filler the gap before installation.
2018-08-21 8:25 am
Only use Bosch spark plugs in European vehicles. They can fry coils in Asian and American cars.
No you don't gap them.
By Iridium spark plugs making sure they are OEM for your motor.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2018-08-21 12:28 am
All plugs need gapping out of the box.

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