Why are people so desperate to migrate to Australia when most people here are simply evil by nature?

2018-08-20 9:35 am

回答 (9)

2018-08-22 5:25 pm
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Go back to the Sudan, fourteen countries have kicked the sudanese out five of them African because of bad behaviour go home we don't want you or your violent gangs here
2018-08-21 5:04 am
Looking at your other questions tells me you have a problem & choose to blame all your problems on other people. The only evil I see here is people like you who find nothing good in life.As a whole Australians are not evil but known worldwide to be friendly and honest.I suggest you take your hatred elsewhere,we don't need you here.
2018-08-21 6:07 am
I think you must have read too many comments from Isaac Hunt, he's not evil, he's just a scared little stick man that builds his self esteem by abusing others on line.

He's done nothing with his life and is jealous of others that have, he blames everyone else for his pathetic life, so as I said, that's nor evil it's just downright sad.
2018-08-21 3:17 am
I watch Masterchef Australia. The people are there are lovely- so nice to each other, and so cheerful.
2018-08-20 7:40 pm
the most craziest comment i have ever hear d ..aussies are not evil
2018-08-22 2:28 pm
Thank you for judging me and other Australians. I do not have an evil bone in my body and am nice to everyone I meet.
2018-08-21 7:09 am
I agree with Bingalee, it s wrong to consider whole Australia as evil,but this is the first time I heard that Australians are known to be friendly and honest worldwide.Just recently CNN posted a news about growing racism in Australia and how the neo-nazis are having a voice. Fraser Anning just talked about the "final solution" suggesting mass murder.He even had the confidence to say that 85 % Australians agree with it.No Wonder very few skillful people want to migrate there with so many existing problems and rest are all labour class
參考: ……………..
2018-08-23 3:15 pm
They are trying to get away from bad places.
2018-08-20 3:29 pm
There are many here who choose to do no evil and others who simply do not care. Everyone does evil and the challenge is to do the least.
2018-09-19 7:13 pm
were u born here or are u an aussie hater. Maybe an aussie girl did u wrong.

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