Give the correct verb form for each of the following. Use the active or passive form as required?

2018-08-17 2:31 pm
Give the correct verb form for each of the following. Use the active or passive form as required:

1. The Housing Authority (sell) over 100,000 flats under the Home Ownership Scheme by the end of 1987.

2. Angela (dress) so strangely that I could hardly recognize her when I met at the party.

3. A stranger asked me the way this morning but I did not know where the place was so I (tell) him to ask a policeman. After half an hour, when I (be) on my way, I saw the man again at the same place. It seemed that he had not found a policeman yet.

回答 (1)

2018-08-17 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(1)has sold
(2)was dressed
(3)told, was;

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