Give the correct verb form for each of the following. Use the active or passive form as required?

2018-08-17 2:26 pm
Give the correct verb form for each of the following. Use the active or passive form as required:

1. She said that his father (go) to Singapore on business and he (not be) back until the next week.

2. When I offered him a cigarette last night, he told me that he (give) up smoking.

3. He came late last night. When he eventually turned up, he told us that he (catch) in a traffic jam on his way.

回答 (1)

2018-08-17 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.would go;
----would not be;---past tense of will=would; indirect speech
2. had given-----past perfect
3.was caught------past, passive

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