I need advice?

2018-08-17 7:17 am
Last year in fall I went through a lot of stuff it was very very dark for me to where I thought about ending my own life then earlier this year I meet this amazing guy he was a really huge light for me and had a big impact on my life when I was in my darkest times he made me feel important secured, beautiful, I absolutely loved him for that he’s super smart and just made me wanna be a better person but we broke up which hurt but he was going through a lot of stuff that he didn’t wanna put me through but we ended up getting together again and it was good really good but a few months later we both decided to break up because of distance I still love him so much and he has a new gf it’s been almost 4 Months since we broken up I love him so much and I know this sounds so cliche but I can actually say he was my first real type of love with I know God brought him into my life for a reason and I thank him for that but I miss him so much Andy it still hurts I wanna get back together with him I just know things could have been different if we lived closer that was our only issue we saw each other sometimes I’ve been praying that we get back together fun jts God’s will I’m a believer that if we’re meant to be God will bring him back I really do love and care about him any tips or just testimonies on couples getting back together

回答 (2)

2018-08-17 7:42 am
I have gotten back together with 2 ex's. Because we had previous experiences and history with each other, the 2nd time around didn't take long to see we were NOT Compatible and not right for each other. We wanted to be... but the truth is WE WEREN'T.

We both knew it and talked about it. We were VERY HONEST with each other
AND IT HELPED US BOTH. We are still friends and both are married to someone better than me, for them.
2018-08-19 4:37 am
Just move on, try to find someone new. He has moved on, so continuing to obsess will just make your life hard. It's very unlikely you will get back together from what you've said.

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