be 的用法 thx thx?

2018-08-16 10:47 pm
Their credit cards are here. 他们的信用卡在这里。

還有甚麼時侯用be或用 is am are
可以説一下be的所有用法 thx

Does being taller mean you earn more at work? 這句也不慬 thanks

回答 (2)

2018-08-17 1:06 am

這句話的動詞是 "在". 在英語裡面"存在"或是"表示位置" 就要用 BE 動詞.BE 動詞的現在式 複數主詞的 型態就是 ARE.

所以, Their credit cards are here. 要用 are.

其實, 你根本就不應該 去知道為甚麼. 太多的為甚麼 讓你的 學習 太過複雜. 多聽聽英語 歌曲,電影 . 妳就會常常聽到:

i love you.
I am here.
You are here.
He is here.
His cars are here.

習慣以後,你就不會問 "為什麼"了!

Does being taller mean you earn more at work?

這是個疑問句.先改成 非疑問句: => being taller mean(s) you earn more at work = 高(身高比較高的狀態)會讓你工資高些.

再改回疑問句=> Does being taller mean you earn more at work? = 高(身高比較高的狀態)會讓你工資高些嗎?

這句話 對你來說是太深了. 你應該先讀 pre-K的書.一年以後再讀2年級的書吧!
2018-08-17 3:55 am
Be字==Intransitive verb不及物動詞:(一)適用於助動詞,例如can,could,shall, should, will, would, may, might, must, 之後面 I shall be seeing him soon; (二)與To字連接,例:What are you going to be when you grow up ?;When is the wedding to be ?; He is to be pitied; We are to be married in May. Yip
參考: 根據中英雙解字典

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