
2018-08-15 6:42 pm
A slightly hyperdense mass with homogeneous arterial phase enhancement found in the segment VIl of right lobe of liver measuring about 5.33cm x 3.05cm x 3.96cm. A large feeding artery with prompt draining vein noted. No obvious central scar is noted. This mass shows persistent enhancement in the delayed study. The overall imaging appearance is suggestive of focal nodular hyperplasia and follow up imaging helpful.
Small slight hyperdense enhancing nodules with persistent enhancement are also found in the subcapsular region of segment VI measuring 0.56cm and segment IV measuring 0.74cm. They can represent small haemangiomas or due to arteriovenous shunts.
Slightly hyperdense substance noted in the gallbladder, may represent sludge. Thank you for your referral.

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2018-08-15 6:51 pm

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