When I bring my car to get an oil hange at a ford dealership, do I just pull right into the service garage?

2018-08-14 10:11 am
I’ve never gotten one I’m a new driver. I was wondering if I’m supposed to pull into the garage (the desk and stuff is in the garage) or park, tell them I need an oil change, and wait for them to tell me to pull my car up.

回答 (7)

2018-08-14 1:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Park in one of the service bays or visitor spaces and report to the service desk. Don't use a main dealer unless your car is still in warranty.
2018-08-14 10:13 am
If you’re going to the dealer, CALL first and set up an appointment. When you pull in, you will tell them your name and confirm you’re there for an oil change.
2018-08-14 10:37 am
You don't pull in, you pull UP to the service doors, get out and check in at the desk. The mechanic will drive the car inside the facility
2018-08-15 10:07 am
Ask them first. Park where they tell you, or let them park it.
2018-08-15 1:23 am
You park it and wait!
2018-08-14 9:50 pm
No!!! Never pull in front of or into the service the service bays. This is a high traffic area and NOT the place to leave your car. Park the car in the service area parking lot and take your keys into the service counter with your license number.
2018-08-14 4:34 pm
Take it to an oil change specialist and you will pay half that of a dealer. Ask for fully synthetic oil and it will protect the engine.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 04:28:27
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