請問下面句子中的 "round" 及 "slow" 單字的詞性?

2018-08-14 9:40 am
1. When John was going to school , he saw a car coming very fast *round* the corner of the street.

2. He should *slow* down when turning the corner.

回答 (2)

2018-08-14 4:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. "round"是"前置詞"(preposition)跟come(ing) round連用,意思是"拐彎",這句的主動詞是saw,看見的是一輛車coming round the corner是形容所見它的情況,very fast是再加上形容這情況的"感覺"或形容它的"轉彎速度"。

2. slow在這句是動詞,但slow down是連著用是表達"減速"。
2018-08-14 10:40 am

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