I need help choosing between two baby names please?

2018-08-14 2:55 am
Madilyn Paige
Emma Grace

回答 (43)

2018-08-14 4:34 am
Emma Grace feels nicer.
2018-08-14 3:31 am
Emma Grace is wonderful. I also like Madilyn Paige, but prefer it spelled Madeleine Paige.
2018-08-14 4:09 am
Emma Grace
2018-08-14 3:09 am
I like Emma Grace.
2018-08-14 4:48 am
Both awful
2018-08-14 4:47 am
Emma Grace
2018-08-15 4:55 am
They are both great names, but I would prefer Madilyn Paige since Emma is very popular.
2018-08-14 9:52 am
Madelyn Paige with an 'e' :)

Madelyn Paige - 10
Madilyn Paige - 5
Emma Grace - 9
2018-08-14 6:15 am
Madelyn Paige is nice. Emma is nice. Grace is so over sued it's boring.
2018-08-16 2:06 pm
Emma Grace. Madilyn Paige is pretty but I don’t like the attempt to be unique spelling choice.
2018-08-16 2:04 am
Madilyn Paige
2018-08-15 3:08 pm
Madilyn Paige, I feel Emma Grace is too over used and simple.
2018-08-16 1:35 am
I’ve always liked the name Emma!! It’s common but very beautiful . Maybe pair it with a more unique middle name? Or Emma Grace sounds nice too.
2018-08-15 1:33 am
I like Madelyn Grace!
2018-08-14 2:36 pm
Madelyn Paige. Not Madilyn, looks illiterate.
2018-08-14 11:36 am
Madeline Paige if you spell it like this. If not, Emma Grace but it’s way too basic.
2018-08-14 5:37 am
Madilyn Paige but I would spell it Madeleine
2018-08-14 6:29 am
Madilyn Paige

Edit:I agree with the Madelyn spelling.
2018-08-14 4:42 am
I prefer Madelyn Paige. Emma has been the most common name for a while and Grace is super common.
2018-08-14 3:39 am
Emma Grace. : )
2018-08-21 8:35 am
Emma Grace
2018-08-17 7:02 pm
Emma Grace. The other looks a bit "ghetto", as Americans would say.
2018-08-17 7:55 am
Madelyn Paige
2018-08-17 5:50 am
Madilyn Paige I love that ! Although I prefer Madilyn spelt Madeleine.
2018-08-16 10:41 pm
Madilyn Paige all the way! If you name her Emma, she may share a Anne with several classmates.
2018-08-16 2:17 pm
It's tough, because they're both bad.

'Madilyn Paige' is misspelled, and it looks like something from Teen Mom. Very tacky.

Emma is overused and Grace is the most generic, overused middle name out there (she'll have the same middle name as almost every other girl her age) but it's a million times classier than Madilyn Paige.

I'd go with Emma and then I'd choose a better middle name.
2018-08-16 1:57 pm
I Do not Know your better choice. But Emma Grace is better name.
2018-08-16 8:07 am
emma grace
2018-08-15 6:39 pm
Why not choose all? Look at how many names the royals have. Both names are very pretty. :D
2018-08-15 5:41 pm
Madilyn Paige. Emma is so overused that I have grown to dislike it.
2018-08-15 10:12 am
Madelyn Paige
2018-08-15 4:39 am
Emma Grace
2018-08-15 4:09 am
Madelyn spelled correctly
2018-08-15 12:37 am
Madilyn Paige is nice so 10 out of 10.
Emma Grace is also nice but 8 out of 10.
2018-08-15 12:17 am
Emma Grace
2018-08-14 2:24 pm
I like Madelyn Grace.
2018-08-14 1:46 pm
Emma Grace.
2018-08-14 8:05 am
Emma Grace
2018-08-15 2:39 am
Emma Grace is much prettier in my opinion. I can't stand the name Paige.. I have a friend who's daughter is named Emmilyn Grace.
2018-08-14 6:10 pm
Emma grace
2018-08-14 5:40 pm
I really like Emma Grace. Beautiful
2018-08-14 2:14 pm
Wrong selection process. Now put yourself in your kids shoes and
Greet people with those names and see how people treat you or
Dismiss you or react to those awful names. You need to simplify
The first name make it short. Like ( Audrey or Lynn or Sarah or
Kathy etc etc ... Then find a middle name that flows well with
The first name and leads or connects well with the last name.
Like ( Sarah Lynn page ) or ( Julie Ann Grace ) . Make the name
Easy for people to pronounce and easy for people to remember.
This will help her get a job and keep a relationship going.
2018-08-14 11:04 am
What about Emma Joy?
2018-08-14 5:22 am
Madilyn originates from the name Mary Magdalene in the bible.
Emma means "whole" or "universal"
Grace means God's favor

So if her name was Emma Grace it would mean: God's whole Favor.
Something like that.

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