why is selling food legal but selling sex is illegal?

2018-08-13 11:12 pm
both food and sex are basic necessary components to live survival humans need both of them, yet food is allowed to have a price tag on it. you can say youre paying for the labor put into the food but sex also involves effort and labor too, so why cant you pay for that labor. these two things are on the same level of necessity both should have no price tag

回答 (23)

2018-08-15 7:45 am
foond and sex are same thing you both eat something and feel dissapointed afterwards
2018-08-15 12:21 am
I don't think I'll eat at your restaurant ever again .....................................
2018-08-14 7:45 am
Selling sex is illegal???
2018-08-14 6:04 am
Sex is only necessary to create more humans. I haven't had it for years and I'm perfectly OK. If I hadn't had food for years I certainly wouldn't be.

Anyway, this can be only about where YOU live. Where I live, it's perfectly legal to sell sex. You just can't legally advertise it, profit from someone else having sex for pay (that's called "living off immoral earnings"), or do anything else that would sexually exploit someone else or cause public offence - but the actual act of selling sex is fine. If it's illegal where you are, then it's time your country stopped listening to religion so much and realised it's ridiculous to impose its morals on everyone. It's only moralising that convinced lawmakers to make it illegal.

As an illustration of this, nearly 30 years ago in the UK there was the case of CIR v Aken. Ms Aken was a prostitute who was self-employed, found clients only by private recommendation, in short she did everything right. The only problem was not paying her income tax, which is why this case was brought by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue. She tried to argue that if she paid tax, the Inland Revenue would be breaking the law on living off immoral earnings. Nice try, said the judge, but prostitution is a trade under Schedule D Case I of the Income Tax Acts so pay up, Madam!

In any case, if you're going to be logical about this, it should also be illegal to make porn - the actors are being paid to have sex. Or is the argument that they just get paid for whatever else they're doing in the film?
2018-08-13 11:49 pm
I've decided to give your hamburger joint a miss .
2018-08-14 11:12 pm
Selling sex is totally legal in many countries.
2018-08-14 8:50 pm
Because America is based on puritanical values.
2018-08-13 11:18 pm
I sometimes will offer men money for them to give oral on my strap on and let me sodomize them with it. If they do not take the money or I do not have any, I will just take it from them. Are you an adult male? If so give me your name and number so we can have some fun.
2018-08-14 7:51 am
Because selling sex is considered prostitution, and that is a crime. Food is essential for life, sex isn't.
2018-08-13 11:21 pm
Because of an unholy alliance between lemon-sucking sex-hating Christians on the right wing, and lemon-sucking man-hating feminazis on the left.
2018-08-14 1:17 am
Your premise is false.
2018-08-13 11:17 pm
Sex isn't necessary for life. You could live your entire life and never have sex. But I do agree that prostitution should be legal.
2018-08-13 11:38 pm
There are many with disabilities and never have sex, in the normal sense, in their lives. Besides you can use your own hand if you are so inclined instead of sex with a partner.
2018-08-17 6:10 pm
You need a business permit to sell food. Collect tax for the city & Federal Government. To sell sex you need a front business. This is were the trim bar fine comes from. To hire a guest relations officer. Or GRO. Sex is still up to her. She need like you to do that. For free. All these girls seem to like every man that they go out with as Guest Relations. But Prostition is very illegal. Guest relation officer is regulated & taxed. The sex is free.
2018-08-16 3:16 pm
National hypocrisy
2018-08-15 5:11 am
Sex is NOT a necessity for your continued life. Food,water, shelter, and clothing are the only necessities for life. Sex is a desire only. You can live fine for years without sex. Your health would not be affected, just your happiness. My wife and I have been married for 30 years. Due to my medical condition, I am only rarely able to have sex. Our intimacy has not been affected. We still sit next to each other and hold hands. We snuggle when we sleep. We spend a large portion of our days simply being together and enjoying each other's company. You would definitely die long before you went without water for 6 or 8 weeks.
2018-08-15 12:11 am
Because sex is sex and food is more necessary
2018-08-14 11:27 pm
Good question. Just so long as the woman is doing it on her own, is not being trafficked, and is not operated by a pimp, what difference should it make. If prostitution were legal, they would pay taxes, be mandated to see a doctor, and get certain rights.
2018-08-14 2:22 am
Like everything that is illegal, it's because a majority of voters want it to be.

There are several reasons the majority of people don't want prostitution to be legal. Religious beliefs, human trafficking, and the spread of STD's are a few of them.
2018-08-14 1:16 pm
Food is a need. $ex is a want.
2018-08-14 3:12 am
Sex is not "necessary" for an individual to survive. Food is.
Making prostitution legal also encourages human trafficking.
2018-08-14 2:19 am
Humans do not need to have sex to survive.
2018-08-14 12:55 am
You DON'T need sex to live. You only think you do.

It's a shame you dropped out of school.

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