CPR question?

2018-08-13 10:44 pm
In my lifeguard first aid training... my instructors told me to never give mouth to mouth breaths to avoid salaiva-borne diseases... but can i use an empty bottle to squeeze air into the patient's lungs? like an airbag that the paramedics use
lets say the patient had drowned and is unconscience and not breathing

回答 (4)

2018-08-13 10:51 pm
No, there would be no way to "seal" the bottle about the person's mouth/nose, and "squeezing" air into the lungs is not the same as CPR.
The pool should have a first-aid kit, and there should be a mask for ventilations >>

You can also get disposable face shields.
Your instructor should know these things.
2018-08-13 10:51 pm
You would have a device to put over the mouth, even a handkerchief would do. You have obviously not finished your training yet.
NO ONE squeezes bottled air into the lungs.
2018-08-13 10:47 pm
As a lifeguard, you should have one of those devices that protect from mouth to mouth contact.
2018-08-15 11:22 pm
yes thats correct i have not finished my training yet...and thank you for your answer!

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