How to deal with a relative who bought my 7 year old girl extremely short dresses?

2018-08-13 9:08 am
She literally mailed them to her when she lives an hour away, cut off the tags and threw away the receipt. These dresses are way too short. I am taking my daughter to pick out some dresses, it s not her fault of course. I feel as this is a passive aggressive attack. We arent poor, shes seven years old, and she made it impossible for us to exchange them for a size or two up. We only ask that they are mid knee or below. These are half way up her thigh. I m sorry but shes 7. How to deal with the relative? Obviously my daughter is not wearing them. - Dad

回答 (9)

2018-08-13 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
"We received the clothes you sent to (name) but unfortunately she won't be able to wear the dresses. We feel the style is inappropriate for a 7-year-old."

Send them back or give them to a thrift store.
2018-08-13 4:26 pm

I understand your concern. Maybe she did not think the length would be an issue. Your daughter can wear the dresses with tights. It would look cute. Otherwise, you can give a few of them to another child and when you meet the relative, you can just say that you loved the gifts but that they were a bit too short.

Have a good day!
2018-08-13 9:17 am
So...send the dresses back with a note. Write something to the effect "thank you for the dresses but they are too small and too short for a seven year old."
2018-08-13 9:14 am
just give those dresses to another kid that it would fit better
2018-08-13 10:39 pm
Mail them back with a thank you note, saying that they didn't fit.
2018-08-13 9:23 am
Send the dresses back.
2018-08-13 9:16 am
Send them back and tell her that they are a bit too large for her dolls
2018-08-13 9:21 am
At 7, you can control what your daughter wears. You can sell the dresses to a consignment store, or give them to Goodwill, where someone will feel very lucky to have them. I think you're being a little old-fashioned about the length, and it's possible that this relative is concerned that your daughter is going to be made fun of by the other kids because of the way you dress her. But it's your decision.

Wait till she's a teenager and you lose control!
2018-08-13 11:16 am
Throw them away or give them away. The relative will likely never know if the kid wore them or not.

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