My liberal friend is dating a Trump supporter, how do I tell her she needs to break up or we can't be friends anymore?

2018-08-11 11:03 pm
She's my best friend and not in any way conservative but her stupid American boyfriend is (we're German) and she knows I hate his guts.

I've grilled her relentlessly about how despicable I find it from an ethical standpoint for her to associate with such vile people.

But that stupid dunce is in love and can't see how disgusting it is that her boyfriend is supporting a poor man's fascist.

I can't square it with my conscience to associate with such vile bigots, not even by proxy, so how do I tell her we can't be friends anymore?

回答 (10)

2018-08-11 11:07 pm
Doesn't seem you're much of a friend in the first place. How about you mind your own business instead?
2018-08-11 11:05 pm
Well, that's your choice, of course. It's an immature way to look at relationships, but if that's what you want to do, instead of accepting her choice and still being her friend, go right ahead on.
2018-08-11 11:43 pm
you can't let who your friends bf supports get in the way of your friendship...common
2018-08-11 11:11 pm
Fake question you don't have friend's.
2018-08-12 12:33 am
Copy this and give it to her. Don't expect her to change her mind.
2018-08-11 11:41 pm
Love is blind, deaf -- and dumb. 🙈🙉🙊
2018-08-11 11:35 pm
You don't have to tell her. She'll find out soon enough. It's a story that happens over again between friends when one finds someone to love and the friend dislikes that person.
2018-08-11 11:16 pm
You supported perpetual war, the mass murder that goes with it, the military-industrial complex, the banksters anus-raping of the economy, the current genocide of blacks whose humanity you deny, totalitarian fascism, and you’ve got the gall the criticise him for wanting your boot of his neck.

What’s your excuse? That you were too stupid to understand the fascism you were supporting. You despicable worm.

You nasy ****. You fascist turd. Go phuck yourself and don’t come back you sh!t.
2018-08-11 11:12 pm
Leave her alone.
2018-08-11 11:08 pm
Mulatto communist troll.

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