Modal Verbs (would / should)? Fill in the blanks with "would" or "should".?

2018-08-11 4:31 pm
Modal Verbs (would / should)?
Fill in the blanks with "would" or "should".
1. In a French restaurant, if you liked any dish you ______ send for the chef and congratulate him, and if anything was wrong you ______ send for the manager and complain.
2. If the electric starter ______ fail, you can make use of the handle bar to start the engine.
3. I am surprised that you ______ ask the teacher to give you a higher grade.
I am an English learner and your explanations will be much appreciated.

回答 (1)

2018-08-11 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Modals have so many meanings, and they are often so close to each other in meaning that it's really difficult to do sentence length exercises like this. So much depends on context. I hope your teacher is helping you learn to use them by doing contextual activities in class.
Now, in number 2, "should" can be used as a conditional future, although that's more of a British usage. Americans would say "If the electric starter fails..."
3 has to be "would". "Should doesn't make any sense either in the meaning of advice or anticipation.

For number 1, both could be used. I think the intention here is to think of this as advice- what you "should" do in those situations. But it could also be a description of the cultural habits, in which case, you can say "would". But I think your teacher wants "should" .

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