is it pointless to look further into the supposed Russian hacking?

2018-08-11 1:16 am
I think trump is doing an average job(better than I expected) plus it doesn't really make any sense when you think about it

回答 (8)

2018-08-11 10:02 am
The nonpartisan investigation, which was supported by republicans too....concerns $100- 500 billion + of billions of dollars of Russian mafia and Russian oligarch illegal money, looted from Russian and Ukraine flowing into Trump/ Manifort/ Gates, shell companies and into NYC to be laundered in Trumps failing casinos and other rackets.
2018-08-11 1:40 am
It's not "Supposed" - we've known for some time now that they WERE actively engaged in hacking the 2016 election.

If we do nothing else, we need to understand WHAT and HOW they were doing this, so we can ensure that they can't do it again for the 2018 election, or any election going forward.
2018-08-11 1:45 am
Yes but trumps enemies will never stop harping on about it
2018-08-11 1:39 am
He has a lot of critics ..but he stands up for his country and this is lacking in our weak career minded politicians UK
2018-08-13 9:20 am
Sure, it keeps government from having to do the jobs that we elected them for. It's in the bible, second kings. Three nations were in turmoil, a great war was brewing, but Judah sat back and watched the other two nations destroy each other, then walked in and looted all of their treasures. Democrats and republicans are going to battle against each other, and the very government that divided us as "the people" will walk in and mow us down for the rich and powerful exploit and steal from. Think about this, Dr Martin Luther King Jr talked about race and government sat back and watched, but as soon as he said that the divide in America wasn't racial, but financial, he got shot. Some loudmouth redneck who owned a rifle was arrested, tried, and convicted with evidence that wouldn't stand up in a modern day court. Republicans, democrats, both fighting for jobs, wanting lower taxes, trying to build a better life for our children. Both sides telling lies to get elected, then telling more lies to get the other side elected. No matter which side wins, Wall Street grows bigger. Oh no, a market drop! Working class poor sell their stock at pennies on the dollar because the government whore, the media, tells us that the end is near! A week later, the market is higher than ever. See anything here?
2018-08-13 2:29 am
The whole Russian thing is so obviously fake, corrupt, malicious nonsense.
2018-08-12 3:12 pm
We all wanna see Trump go down! - Hard!
2018-08-11 3:51 am
Since the Russians did not go around the country counting votes, they made NO DIFFERNCE in the election.

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