thoughts on no sex before marriage?

2018-08-10 6:29 pm

回答 (38)

2018-08-11 2:17 am
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Might as well have sex before marriage, there wont be any after
2018-08-10 6:32 pm
Would you buy a car without a test drive?

Same principle.
2018-08-10 6:35 pm
The phrase 'buying a pig in a poke' comes to mind.

Known a few marriages go west when the couples concerned found
they really weren't compatible in the bedroom department,
so I think it is a bad idea - a hangover to the days when women
had to settle for what they could get in the marriage stakes.
2018-08-10 6:43 pm
Up to people's personal preference.

I'm not bothered by it - I had sex before marriage. My wife was not a virgin when I met her
What it can do, is give you ideas about how to experiment, and things to try!
2018-08-10 10:05 pm
Silly idea, sexual compatability in a relationship is important sex creates a closeness and intimacy how could you marry someone you’ve not experienced that feeling with?
2018-08-10 10:00 pm
unrealistic. you need a decent job to be married. most people need some kind of postgraduate education, degree, training to get a decent job. for most people, getting married during that training is a bad idea. waiting until you're in your mid 20s to have sex is unrealistic for most people. less than 6% of people are virgins when they get married.

i am christian, and i get the purpose behind waiting until you are married to have sex. but, the way today's world is structured, it's like a four year old saying they want a pony when they grow up. i'm for monogamy and making smart decisions about birth control and STD prevention, but waiting until you get married is just not going to work for most people.
2018-08-10 8:39 pm
I think it would be foolish not to have sex before marriage. Sexual compatibility is to important to me.
2018-08-10 11:32 pm
I have serious thoughts about sex before marriage. I was a virgin when I got married. I thought being a virgin was a big deal.

My husband had all sorts of hang ups, performance issues, erection issues. You name it, he had the problem.

I was young and spent 6 years of my life thinking that he was somehow normal. He wasn't.

We divorced, I dated and had boyfriends (and sex) and am now remarried.

If I had had sex with husband #1 ONE TIME before we married, the marriage would never have happened.
2018-08-10 10:48 pm
Its hard to refrain. But IMO its possible only if the two people are committed to each other and willing to wait.
2018-08-10 7:46 pm
i recommend it......better than finding incompabality after marriage
2018-08-10 6:36 pm
If it's a good relationship why wait have sex and enjoy. I'm all for sex before marriage.
2018-08-10 6:37 pm
I'm strongly against it. Also there's nothing to look forward too.

It's meant to be something so special. Between husband and wife. God made it that way. And his way is always best.

Sadly people have abused the meaning of sex. Something so beautiful That God created, sadly people abuse it for their pleasure. And if they are not satisfied. They dumpe the person and go to the next.
2018-08-12 4:25 am
2018-08-11 5:26 am
Its already going to be a busy day. If anything sex would just make you late for the wedding.
2018-08-11 5:26 am
Sex is something that people should figure out for themselves. So if you really feel uncomfortable with the idea of sex before marriage than don’t be pressured to do it earlier. HOWEVER, for me personally, I think it’s a very risky idea. A big part of relationships is chemistry and sexual relations. If you marry someone without knowing how compatible you are in the bedroom, for me this is taking a huge risk.
2018-08-11 4:48 am
Stupid. Absolutely the worst mistake you can make. Sex is too important in a relationship, to just "hope it works out". Odds are it won't, and one of you will be miserable.
2018-08-11 12:40 am
2018-08-10 10:29 pm
A romantic idea, but a 'life' is a long time to commit yourself to someone with whom you are not sexually compatible with. You better make damned sure you're right for each other before making that promise.
2018-08-11 9:19 pm
No sex before marriage is a bad and unrealistic idea promoted by Abrahamic religious fanatics. Leaders of these religions want total control of people, even telling them when they can have sex. Luckily 99.54% of the people in my homeland are not Christians, and we ban Muslims, so we do not have sexual neuroses inflicted by these evil tyrants. We have a natural acceptance of the body and its function, rather than demonizing them as Christians and Muslims do.
2018-08-10 9:03 pm
Naive and archaic - and only valid where there is no birth control and no DNA testing.
Sex should never be entered into lightly, but it shouldn't be an unknown quantity- or quality- before you make a lifetime promise.
2018-08-10 6:34 pm
You can do it if your religion and parents say not to, but it rarely works out right.
2018-08-13 11:39 pm
2018-08-13 6:29 am
I strongly favor sex before marriage.
2018-08-13 2:39 am
To each their own. If a couple decide they want to put off sex until marriage, that's their choice. Nothing wrong with it.
2018-08-12 3:02 pm
2018-08-12 11:49 am
Dumb, outdated, and so not worth the wait.
2018-08-11 11:24 pm
Ask lord Lester.oint
2018-08-11 11:23 pm
Impossible for most
2018-08-11 11:03 pm
Personal choice.
2018-08-11 9:19 pm
If a couple love each other and wants to sex ,it's better they can get marriage.
2018-08-11 7:17 pm
Punishment for Christians
2018-08-11 3:45 pm
effeminately yes
2018-08-11 9:36 am
Yes for me.
2018-08-11 9:06 am
how many decades were you planning to wait? couples today get married much older than earlier generations. everyone has much to accomplish first before considering marriage: finish college, maybe grad school, establish a career, save up money, maybe do some traveling. people used to marry at age 18 to 21. today they don't marry until their late 20s, 30s or even 40s. by the time you're ready for marriage, your youthful libido may have faded and you may barely desire sex anymore.
2018-08-11 3:16 am
It would never work for me.
2018-08-11 12:34 am
It's up to the individual. I don't sit around thinking about other people's sexual choices. I have a life
2018-08-11 7:49 pm
Its the person's choice
2018-08-11 12:12 pm
It's their decision.
2018-08-11 5:03 am
Definitely wait, it will make your wedding night extra special and exciting!

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