Girlfriends Best Friend Is A Guy, Why Am I Worried?

2018-08-09 10:34 pm
I actually talked to him about this and he said he used to have feelings for her a while back and asked her out but there were a lot of factors that tied into it and it just didn't work out. I asked if he would ever date her if things didn't work out between me and her and he said no. Because to many of his friends have dated her and it just wouldn't work. The thing that scares me is they get along so well.. They also have secrets between each other which every best friend has but I have such a big insecurity that they might end up together someday..

回答 (3)

2018-08-09 10:46 pm
If you're uncomfortable with her having the friends she has, having the kinds of relationships with her friends that she has, then you're uncomfortable with having her for a girlfriend. So are you willing to be uncomfortable, to live with what "scares" you, to live with your "big insecurity" for the sake of being in that boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with her? Or not?
2018-08-09 10:52 pm
I think your feelings are normal. Most people wonder about ex's and how your current may still feel about them. And when you add in the best friend thing and constant contact, it can become too much to allow your relationship to last and grow.

Of course you can't tell anyone who to contact or be friends with, but in this case you might want to rethink your relationship with her. If you were her true love, her one and only, she would naturally regard you as her best friend. And as she doesn't, I say, time for you to find a new gf who does.
2018-08-10 12:27 am
The fact she has dated a lot of his friends is a red flag. Not on the guy but on your girlfriend. Sounds like will date anyone.
2018-08-09 10:47 pm

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