Can one be sent to hell for swearing?

2018-08-09 9:22 pm
If one swears a lot, says every swear word under the name, will they be sent to hell for using such language?

回答 (15)

2018-08-09 9:46 pm
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No. I'm sure there are people doing far worse than that in this life.
2018-08-09 9:34 pm
Fundies hope so.
2018-08-09 9:26 pm
Yes. You swear, I send you to Hell.

Hell Norway or Hell in Austria?

There is no afterlife.
2018-08-09 9:45 pm
How can you be sent to a place you don’t believe exists, you atheist troll?

Can’t answer that, can you?

Didn’t think so!
2018-08-09 9:50 pm
No, since hell does not exist. Grow up.
2018-08-09 9:43 pm
The best cure for this type of anxiety is to grow up.
2018-08-09 9:30 pm
No. Hell does not exist.
2018-08-09 9:26 pm
“There is a difference between wrongdoing with no premeditated desire to hurt someone and intentional evil. The degrees of harm to others from mischief to malevolence are carefully evaluated. A guiding principle in the spirit world is that wrongdoing, intentional or unintentional, on the part of all souls will need to be redressed in some form in a future life. This is not considered punishment as much as an opportunity for karmic growth. There is no hell for souls, except perhaps on Earth.”

Destiny of Souls - Michael Newton
2018-08-09 9:24 pm
2018-08-09 9:23 pm
No one sends anyone to hell. Hell, on earth and otherwise is of our own making.
2018-08-10 3:32 am
No, because its not a sin to swear,l those words mean nothing to the Creator, their just words. The word "profanity" comes because at one time, there were only 2 types of speech, there was those who were speaking of religious subjects and using speech to convey God's world, then there was all other speech, was was called profane speech, not because it was dirty, but because it was about mundane, human subjects, subjects that were considered less important. This is where "profanity"/profane speech started and now it means any of a certain few words, but that's not how it got it start.
2018-08-10 2:36 am
Possibly yes, unless this person sincerely repents for the words he has uttered and seeks full forgiveness from God.
2018-08-09 9:47 pm
If swearing or filth will send you to hell the first person you would meet there would be Martin Luther.
2018-08-09 10:18 pm
sent there? No, but they will likely end up there by default.
2018-08-09 9:36 pm
Depends on how profanity is used but taking God's name in vain will get a person sent to a special place that all should avoid unless truly repented in Jesus' precious name. <t><

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