how do i wire a 2 pin rocker on/off button to a 12v motor? it has 2 wires, a red wire and a black wire.?

2018-08-09 3:31 am

回答 (4)

2018-08-09 3:40 am
Red wire to power supply after you install a fuse. black wire to motor. There should be two wires on the motor also, one is for the ground and the other is for the power. If it runs the wrong direction reverse the two wires on the motor.
2018-08-11 4:06 pm
Hi so the switch is in series with the battery and the motor. the black wire goes from the motor to battery direct. the red wire goes to one side of the switch you need another piece of wire between the other side of the switch and the motor wire. then it can be switched on and off.
2018-08-09 6:16 am
Find a local electronics hobbyist who can help you in person.
2018-08-09 12:32 pm
use a BLACK wire direct to the motor .... as (-)
use a RED wire in series with the switch then to the motor ... as (+)
to change the motor DIRECTION, change the battery polarity

remove the red wire between circles ... connect rocker to them ...

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