My liberal friend is dating a Trump supporter, how do I tell her we can't be friends anymore?

2018-08-09 3:24 am
She's my best friend and not in any way conservative but her stupid American boyfriend is (we're German) and she knows I hate his guts.

I've grilled her relentlessly about how despicable I find it from an ethical standpoint for her to associate with such vile people.

But that stupid dunce is in love and can't see how disgusting it is that her boyfriend is supporting a poor man's fascist.

I can't square it with my conscience to associate with such vile bigots, not even by proxy, so how do I tell her we can't be friends anymore?

回答 (13)

2018-08-09 3:26 am
Just smash some dog shlt in her hair. She'll get the message. SO will her fascist traitor friends.
2018-08-09 3:29 am
Tell her you don't like nazis, and now that she is one, BYE!
And then give it no more thought. DONE IS DONE and move on!
2018-08-09 3:30 am
Just try not to be such a hater and be happy for your friend .
2018-08-09 3:36 am
You are not wrong. You need to cut her off. If she ever dumps him and admits he was awful AND IT WAS AWFUL OF HER to associate with him, well maybe you can talk then. (But probably not, riffs never really heal) Its okay for a friendship to end hon, they all do. In a lifetime, who one's "best friend" and friends are tends to change four or five times, as you move from period to period of your life. Look forward. Feel sad yes, but move on. You're doing all you can do.
2018-08-09 3:28 am
What size are his hands?
2018-08-09 3:30 am
Cool. Stop being friends. She does not need a bigoted person like you in her life.

I have friends in both parties. To hate someone because of their political party is beyond stupid. To judge them as vile is despicable.

I bash leftists here ALL OF THE TIME. I insult them and rag on them. Why? Because they are WRONG. At least because they are wrong in my opinion. I do not think they are vile people.

And willingness to give up your friend because she is dating a person you think is vile based solely on his political views??? DISGUSTING!!! What is wrong with you?

Ohhh and good luck finding someone who always meets your exacting standards of who they may have as friends. WAKE UP OR DIE ALONE!!!!

Got to LOVE the feminist who thinks that a woman does not get to choose who she wants to be with. How very enlightened of you.
2018-08-09 3:26 am
She will be far better off without you as a 'friend'.
2018-08-09 3:48 am
I don't think you need to tell her. Sounds like she knows how you feel and if you can lose an old friend because of her associates, you aren't much of a friend to her. Too rigid. If you stop being her friend, will you crawl back to her asking for her friendship again once she moves on to a different boyfriend? Shallow
2018-08-09 4:44 am
You don't have to tell her. You just have to be unavailable for getting together. Sorry, I'm busy!
2018-08-09 3:52 am
Of course, you can still be friends. If your friend sees vileness from President Trump and his supporters, let her be there to bear witness. The person she is dating may change his mind about Trump.
2018-08-09 3:39 am
Yea do it
2018-08-09 3:50 am
Just tell her. I've dumped friends for political reasons.
2018-08-09 3:47 am
as a friend explain how wrong trump supporters are and how he sees her as someone to control and use
2018-08-09 3:34 am
I think you already did.
Of course, it was not very smart of you. I always say that, if you have a friend who disagrees with you, keep that friend if you can!

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