Need advice (woman point of view also)?

2018-08-09 3:14 am
Ive been on a break with my gf since last thursday and it s the no communication/ no dating other ppl type of break. it was her idea to take one bc she feels we ve become distant. Ive been a zombie since that day bc we ve never gone a day without talking to each other. The killer is i bought a ring for her to propose sometime soon (within next couple of months). i sent to our house (shes staying there while I m in a hotel, bc I m not from here and closest family is 6hrs away) flowers to be delievered thrusday with a note saying meet me at a local restaurant saturday near us to talk about things. i just need to know she still loves me and wants this relationship to continue and grow or end it. Was i wrong to send the flowers and attempt to communicate with her?

p.S. my hotel stay is up today and her mom said i can stay with her and her boyfriend for a little.

回答 (8)

2018-08-09 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You did the right thing by attempting to start a dialogue. You need to know, you can't stay on standby just because she says so. If you have a problem in your relationship it is best to face it and deal with it.
2018-08-10 7:39 am
Generally, these types of breaks you wait until the other person reaches out....after 2 weeks of no contact. If it goes beyond that by all means reach out. Whatever you do, don't propose right away out of desperation. She asked for the break, give it a little time. Let her know you missed her and how important she is you. Gage her responses. To be truthful, you may not want to go forward with it after the break depending on her responses. Be strong.
2018-08-09 4:15 am
Your details are confusing.

It sounds like she recently suggested "hey let's take a break". Before this you had a ring bought or picked out (?) because you wanted to propose... Since the break began you have now sent her flowers and a note to meet somewhere?

Uhmm...I hope you aren't planning on proposing to her.

It seems like there should be a lot of talking happening between you and her. You need to call her today and be like "look, i need a place to stay and I'm not going to live with your mom while you figure it out. YOU can go to YOUR mothers house and when you've decided what you want to do, you can let me know." YOu should not have to pay hotel expenses because she wants to take a break. That's BS.
2018-08-09 4:07 am
Doesn't sound like she's ready to become engaged to marry you any time soon if she's the one who wanted the break with no communication etc. YOU are the one who has already broken that promise since you split up less than a week ago. Seems to me that perhaps you are a bit too needy and were suffocating her. Now you have sent flowers and communicated with her (she's still keeping her side of the bargain and not communicating back) and presumably if she does meet you you will tell her about the ring and your plans. I think that will send her completely away from you. Sorry - but a 'break' is a break.....not 3 days silence.
2018-08-09 3:48 am
You are in way over your head. Grow up. If you can't afford to stay in a hotel and the two of you are acting like high school kids, you aren't ready to propose let alone get married. You've also missed the whole point of her wanting a break from you. She doesn't feel close to you. Why is that? What are you doing or not doing that makes her feel that way. What is she doing or not doing?

Either you are mature adults who have the tools to address your problems or you don't. If you don't, then the sooner you end it and move on the better.
2018-08-09 3:40 am
I get the breaking up thing. I get the "take a week off of talking cause we're fighting too much" thing... but an undefined break of no communication but neither of you can date anyone else? That's.... well... manipulation and something else, I'm not sure what. I guess it's called "I put you on a shelf so stay there" kind of thing. Eh. Not very interesting. I think you deserve some sort of a define to what this is. Especially since you've been put out of your home for this "break". Staying with her Mom???? Odd. If she's breaking up with you because she feels you've become distant.... try to fix it. Otherwise you're just letting it drift away. Hope she shows up for the date!
2018-08-09 3:37 am
you were not wrong. find out now before its too late
2018-08-09 3:32 am
You were wrong to get a ring

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