a message or alert to tell you that something has happened?

2018-08-08 10:30 am

a message or alert to tell you that something has happened ??t?f??a?i?t(one word)

回答 (2)

2018-08-08 3:57 pm
2018-08-09 11:43 am
-----------------------------------------------The Notification----------------------------------------------
This is a piece of message sent to you(xxx)(---) TW from NY, usa.At the inspection of the yyy Hospital last evening I must tell you with sympathy in the loss of your Father.For three months he had discharged his tommy with the highest speed etc.You must sent the bill-payment of $zzzz and a representative immediately.Will you take this notification to yourself? Have you understood? His disease must be notified to public health authorities.We put up a notice of death for you. Got the printed notice? Got the "notification" ?Yours trully(-------)

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