What is the name of the kind of stationery fasteners used to let papers move?

2018-08-07 9:35 pm
I am not sure I am explaining it right but I am thinking of a fastener used between two pieces of hard board (cardboard) that lets them move or spin. It is similar to a brass fastener but not with one end being pointy. Imaging a fastener with the head of a brass fastener on both sides. I don't know if that makes sense.

It is a stationery fastener that lets the things it holds together spin freely. It functions similarly to a Lazy Susan in woodworking but on a much smaller scale for papers or cardboard.

Pictures of it would be appreciated. Thanks.

回答 (2)

2018-08-07 10:33 pm
A rivet or a grommet, depending on whether the center is closed or open.
2018-08-07 9:51 pm
"Brass rivet" "copper rivet" depending on the material.

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