What would you do if youre over the age of 21 and still are living w your parents bcz of no ability of being hired for work?

2018-08-07 1:08 pm
I mean no replies anywhere to work marking it worse off by saying im in a metro area, and the main issue is theyre stingy AF, so cheesepairing they wont even give u money to go buy stuff at the 99¢ only store. What would you be your options, hold grudges because of it or just go homeless? To top it off verbal abuse, mental abuse is at its peak.

回答 (7)

2018-08-07 1:16 pm
I'd get some psychological help plus some English lessons first. They will help in your quest to find employment.
2018-08-07 1:11 pm
From the content of your "question" I suggest you seek professional counselling. YOU definitely have some issues you need to work on.
2018-08-07 1:33 pm
I would

1. Get a good psychiatrist.
2. Focus on improving my English and communication skills.
3. Apply for jobs that are ‘beneath me’, like fast food, box stores, janitorial, etc. I’d look specifically for late night and closing shifts to avoid my parents. 6pm - 2am can be wonderful for avoiding folks.
4. Volunteer to get experience. Volunteer as much as possible with a variety of neutral places. Neutral meaning animal shelters, community centers, veterans organizations, and Meals on Wheels, not Pro-Life America, the NRA, your church, or ALF.
2018-08-07 5:01 pm
I'd get over myself and get a job.
2018-10-24 10:18 pm
I'd be getting an education or some vocational training so I could get a decent job and move out. Complaining that you can't get a job when you actually don't know how to do anything is pretty specious.
2018-08-08 8:49 am
i would go stay in a shelter and let the shelter help you, also resorts will take in people that dont have a place to stay, i know cause i used to work for those places
2018-08-07 4:14 pm
You stop lying and work. You clearly can work but don't want to since you are simply too lazy too

Why the hell should your parent give you money much less buy you anything when you CAN work but don't want to

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