How did we go from Alexander The Great to the wimps of today?

2018-08-07 11:51 am
Alexander the Great was only 33 years old when he died and while he was alive he literally conquered the world. 33 year old men in today’s society are completely different, they care more about tinder and playing around on their phones while being lazy and laying around the house. While Alexander the Great conquered the planet. What happened? How did we get so lazy and wimpy?

回答 (12)

2018-08-07 1:20 pm
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Firstly, Alexander the Great was not your everyday run-of-the-mill 33 year-old. He was born a prince and became king when he was a teenager. His upbringing was anything but standard for the time, his wealth, power and prestige afforded him opportunities that few people his age could possibly dream of, including an education that even powerful and wealthy people living today would be at a loss to compete with. Some of the greatest thinkers of his or any other era served as his teachers. Secondly, the average life expectancy was considerably lower in Alexander's time than it is today. Being 33 years old in his day would be the equivalent of being in ones 50s or 60s today. Lastly, if Alexander the Great had been able to avail himself of many of the amenities young people have at their disposal in these modern times, he most certainly would have done so. He marched from Macedonia to India across burning deserts and lofty mountains and through dense jungles, but he was a human being.
2018-08-08 1:05 am
We keep our Kings in check.
2018-08-07 2:03 pm
He literally didn't conquer the world. He did have some advantages over many young men – being the son of the king helped a little.

He was extraordinary, he could have lolled around flicking through Grindr and asking questions on Y!A, why do you think you have to go back over two millennia to find him?
2018-08-07 11:53 am
maybe you should be the next alex the great then
2018-08-07 12:11 pm
When there were war slaves, and genocide, people had reasons to fight back.
Now people want to be "safe", and give up too easily. Letting "Daddy" government to protect them.

The Government's educational system teaches, "When confronted, yield, give up, do as you are told" let the Authorities handle things. (if they show up in time.)
2018-08-07 12:00 pm
Too much feminists, gays, etc. these days.
2018-08-08 7:43 pm
Government handouts.
2018-08-07 8:58 pm
Alexander was gay in a time that homosexuality was not persecuted. We would have many more like him if it were not for centuries of oppression of gay people.
2018-08-07 1:58 pm
making money son his dad didn't buy him an I pad or phone that Aristotle created and made billions of Drackma's with or left him hundreds of millions to buy his enemies with we have been made wimps by ignorant inventors that learned and used it to make money the easiest way possible do you think his troops learned about fighting on call of duty in the den or searching google for which side to get out of bed today no today today you have a drone send it the others side of the world and blow them up another billionaires invention
2018-08-07 11:59 am
Western society was infiltrated by jewish occultists. They push the cultural poison emanating from Hollywood, universities and politcs. It made us weak, by design

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