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Firstly, Alexander the Great was not your everyday run-of-the-mill 33 year-old. He was born a prince and became king when he was a teenager. His upbringing was anything but standard for the time, his wealth, power and prestige afforded him opportunities that few people his age could possibly dream of, including an education that even powerful and wealthy people living today would be at a loss to compete with. Some of the greatest thinkers of his or any other era served as his teachers. Secondly, the average life expectancy was considerably lower in Alexander's time than it is today. Being 33 years old in his day would be the equivalent of being in ones 50s or 60s today. Lastly, if Alexander the Great had been able to avail himself of many of the amenities young people have at their disposal in these modern times, he most certainly would have done so. He marched from Macedonia to India across burning deserts and lofty mountains and through dense jungles, but he was a human being.