Can I raise my children to be trilingual?

2018-08-07 2:56 am
I'm a native German speaker, my husband would speak English and we'd hire a Spanish or French nanny.

Could it work?

回答 (12)

2018-08-07 3:00 am
I speak English, Spanish, German and learning Russian.
2018-08-09 2:22 am
When we went to Disneyland Paris, we encountered a parking attendant who could handle which ever European language, plus English, that was spoken to him. Trilingualism is commonplace.
2018-08-07 2:58 am
My mom was born in Denmark. My father was born in Norway. The languages are close enough that they could understand each other.

So I grew up in Los Angeles speaking Danish/Norwegian at home, and English everywhere else.

Later I gained "A" Level Fluency in Spanish to get extra money as a teacher here in Los Angeles.
2018-08-07 3:22 am
I am and my children are trilingual - i was born in one country, moved to another because got married, so my children speak my mother tongue and the language of the country we live in and my husband's mother tongue and then everyone speaks english because all the programmes on tv are not dubbed and they study it in school. I prefer to speak english with my husband ( not my mother tongue). We all speak them on the same level - mother tongue level. But my mother tongue , even thou they studied it a little, they can not write corretcly and have difficulties to read. I say it is possible and dont listen to anyone - just do it.
2018-08-07 3:10 am
Yes it could, but that doesn't guarantee that they would. They may favor one or two languages and only progress in them so you would have to constantly use all the languages in different amounts according to what each kid needs to work on. That might be hard but can be done. Unless you have super genius kids that can learn like 7 languages and all. That would be awesome! (I'm not a professional though, just a bit of knowledge I've gathered over the years) Cant hurt to try.
2018-08-07 3:02 am're the parent you don't need the approval of the internet.
2018-09-16 8:23 am
2018-08-18 4:30 am
absolutely and a great start to their education
2018-08-09 3:02 pm
I have a chinese father and a korean mother. My husband is a french german as well. We are currently living in the Los Angeles.
Hence, our four kids are able to speak in english, french and chinese.
Our fifth daughter, is currently learning how to speak so we plan to let her learn these languages in the future.
2018-08-09 4:48 am
Being multilingual is common in Canada, bilingual is manditory in one of the provinces and in my province the french side is on one side of the river and the english is on the other side. English is my 2nd language, i also speak, French, Tagalog, Spanish and Sign Language...if you can call that speaking at all
2018-08-07 2:57 am
It worked for Joseph Conrad. English was his fifth language.
2018-08-07 9:47 am
If your children are at of at least normal intelligence... sure.

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