Subject-Verb Agreement (Countable, Uncountable & Gerunds)?

2018-08-06 12:20 pm
Choose the most suitable answer in the bracket for each of the following :

--> Both mathematics and physics ( is / are ) required for admission to the course.

這一條 由 "and" 連接 2 個不可數名詞 "mathematics" 及 "physics" ,


回答 (1)

2018-08-06 1:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Both 當代名詞或行容詞意思都是兩個,因此只要看到both開始的句子,代表主詞為複數,動詞自然也當用複數型,因both 的字意就是兩個都是(且通常不用於否定型的句子),both 接名詞時,不是名詞是複數就是有兩個名詞(至名詞為可數或不可數,不重要,重點是有兩個)
Both mathematics and physics are required for admission to the course.
Both snakes are dangerous.
Both fish and meat are expensive.
Both flowers and fruits are used medicinally.

收錄日期: 2021-05-04 02:53:02
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