Do girls like to read love letters or is that old thing to do?

2018-08-06 10:22 am
I like this girl and she likes me but I kind of want to write a letter of how I feel towards her along with a gift but I’m not sure if I should write a letter or not since now a days nobody does that anymore.

回答 (9)

2018-08-06 10:28 am
That's awesome.

I know of a well respected man who wrote love letters to the girl he wanted to marry.... they had an ocean between them for years.... she had many, many men wanting to date her.... but this man won her heart through his words on paper. No one else ever had a chance....

Words are spiritual things... you can inspire and encourage others with them... or you can tear them down using your words. Don't give her undeserved compliments.... keep it real... and let her see your heart behind your words.
2018-08-06 10:44 am
When you both love each other everything is sweet !
2018-08-08 5:33 am
I would! I actually asked my man for a love letter for my birthday. He wrote a beautiful letter and I am going to treasure that letter forever! If she doesn't dig it perhaps you two are either not on the same page or just different types of people.
2018-08-06 3:32 pm
Seems like a thoughtful gesture. Maybe try a card instead of a letter. Cards are more modern and ppl still write them. My friend and I don’t only write thank you cards but also “thinking about you” cards. It shows that you care. If the guy I liked wrote me a card, my heart would be full and I would post it on my study area wall.
2018-08-06 11:49 am
Some do. Others...not so much.
2018-08-06 11:12 am
Yes they do , when there feeling down or think about a guy
2018-08-06 10:25 am
Lol if a love letter is what you prefer then write a love letter and add a gift. Others willl either love it or hate it.
2018-08-06 10:23 am
Do what you want. A love letter stands out more that a love text anyway.
2018-08-06 10:59 am
I've seen girls with "love letters". They don't "read" them, they show them around, and use them as objects of ridicule! They laugh and make fun of the writers.

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