Why along history Americans has feared so much Russians?

2018-08-06 6:02 am

回答 (4)

2018-08-06 6:11 am
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WW2 and the Space Race. Russia proved to show up the US in both.
Despite what the US claims, it was Russia who beat Germany and ultimately beat we Japanese and drove us out of the mainland.

Also Russia in the space race just embarrassed America time and time again.
1. First man in space
2. First space station
3. First sattelite
4. First ICBM capable of sending things into space
5. First space probe
6. First space shuttle
7. First robotic rover
8. First retried samples from other bodies.
9. First atmospheric data and pictures of all of our solar system planets
10. First manned docking abilities and unmanned docking as well.

Russia literally owned space innovation. And the US wasted 25 billion dollars (150 billion today) of the taxpayers money to use Russian inventions and put a man on the moon and then declare that they beat Russia. It's beyond a joke, Russians were laughing.
2018-08-06 6:09 am
Its not fear, it distrust, and with good reason.
2018-08-06 6:05 am
Actually Russia hid it’s navy in and around America during the Crimean War and the Japanese-Russian war in the early 1900s.
The top economic group in America is Russian Jews.
2018-08-06 6:08 am
Americans have observed a long history of Russians destroying societies and killing many of those they seek to control. That is not something people who enjoy Liberty can approve of.
When we fear potential evil we go after the Source.
2018-08-06 6:14 am
The Russians are tough and smart.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 01:06:25
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