Hello. Is Lidocaine/PolyetyleneGlycol safe to use on my dogs badly choped feet? If he was to lick it off will it detrimental to his health?

2018-08-06 1:11 am

回答 (9)

2018-08-06 2:06 am
NEVER put any kind of medication whether topical or given by mouth to your dog, unless you speak directly to your vet first and your vet tells you if it's ok or not, what to give and what dosage to give for your dogs weight. If your dogs paw pads are that messed up, he must be in pain and you need to take your poor dog to the vet, find out what is causing the problem and the vet will tell you what you need to do to treat it, the proper way. Only a vet is qualified to diagnose and treat your dog. There are NO VETS on this site and even if there was, a vet would still have to physically see and examine your dog before anything is done.

If his paw pads are that bad, it has to be very painful for him to walk on them. In answer to your question, I would not use anything until you see a vet, because it may be TOXIC to your dog, if your dog licks his paws and you can create more unnecessary problems for your dog. The longer you let this problem go, the worse your dog will get, his paws will become Infected if they are not already and it will cause your dog even more pain than he is already in and make it even harder for even the vet to be able to treat. Again, do the right thing and get your dog to the vet. Emergency Vets are open 24/7, including weekends and holidays, if your Regular Vets Office is closed, so Vets are always available.
2018-08-06 2:01 am
No, it isn't safe. Both those things can poison a dog. If your dog has bitten and licked his feet to the point that they are sore and chapped, you need to take the dog to a vet and get treatment for whatever is making him do that
2018-08-06 8:49 pm
You shouldn't be giving or applying anything to your dog without vet recommendation and/or prescription, as it may cause more harm than good, exacerbate the condition, as well as make a proper diagnosis more difficult.

Take it to a vet for a proper diagnosis/treatment.
2018-08-06 4:52 am
No, IT IS NOT. This was NOT Rx'd by your vet, because the ASPCA Animal Poison Control has been consulted over 70 times on dogs or cats overdosing or getting exposed to it, through the ingestion of an ointment either applied inappropriately to them, or ingesting part of a tube, meant for human use. The degree of toxicity or illness from ingestion - which can affect the central nervous system or the heart, depends on how much was ingested and the size of the dog.

You are an IDIOT to self-treat an injured dog. With-holding vet care to a sick or injured animal is considered a FELONY case of ANIMAL ABUSE, regardless of your ability to PAY FOR IT. Take it to a vet for correct safe treatment or turn the dog into the Humane Society or ASPCA for treatment. The dog may need stitches and will certainly need ANTIBIOTICS
2018-08-06 2:05 am
The real answer isn't applying an over the counter remedy - it's finding out just why the poor dog is constantly biting and licking his paws. Polyethylene Glycol is questionable in it's safety - it's used as a lubricant, but some studies say it's toxic, other say it's safe. I'd not be using it.
2018-08-06 10:10 pm
Take your dog to the vet. How did it get "chopped feet"? If he is licking open sores or wounds he will get a fungus in his feet.
2018-08-07 5:15 pm
2018-08-06 1:13 am
I meant CHAPPED feet. Very sore from constant biting and licking
2018-08-06 7:12 am
well, technically pharmacologically it won't hurt, but it won't be effective. This dog needs to go to a vet to see WHY this is happening. How is it supposed to work when it gets removed as soon as it's applied?
2018-08-06 1:58 am
There is special grease to apply to the pad. People who race their dogs in the Iditirod racaes use it on their dogs feet, It is called Mushers Grease & there is probably different brands of the same stuff.


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