Are Americans in Trump's America embarrassed by being laughed at by the whole world?

2018-08-05 8:35 pm
We Europeans always long have deemed Americans to be uncultured, obese swines who can't process any other thought pattern than "Muh freedum, muh flag, 'Murica"

Illiterate average C student George W. Bush only validated those thoughts, but oh boy, did you Muricans hit it out of the park with Trump.

It's like an absurd comedic caricature of everything that is wrong with America has become president. You might think we're in the twilight zone, but no, Americans are just actually that stupid.

It's both sad and hilarious, but now I can't help but think that Muricans must be a primitive lower life form that deserves nothing but our ridicule.

Do Muricans ever get embarrassed

回答 (29)

2018-08-05 8:54 pm
Just curious... I'm not sure what country you are supposedly from, but do you folks ever get embarrassed by "Muricans" constantly getting you out of trouble?
2018-08-05 9:06 pm
The whole world laughed when a bunch of dirt farmers sent Lil' King Georgie III a Dear John Letter too....

- and @ 150 yrs later that same World was begging the Descendents of those dirt farmers come help save them from those mean ole Germans and Japanese.
2018-08-05 8:35 pm
shut up, you idiots still have royalty.
2018-08-05 8:40 pm
Trump voters are immune from embarrassment because they exist in their own little echo chamber bubble. Normal Americans are horrified by Trump
2018-08-05 8:37 pm
Friggin trolls.
2018-08-05 8:54 pm
Please Google “Electoral College”. There’s a reason so many people in America were upset by Trumps victory, and why Trump wouldn’t shut up about it after being elected. It’s because the majority of us actually DIDN’T vote for him and are embarrassed by him.


There is an obesity problem in America right now. And many Americans are stupid.

American politics is toxic enough. Don’t debase yourself by resorting to using stupid nicknames and generic insults. You sound so....American. Especially when it looks like you’ve never even visited.
2018-08-05 11:21 pm
I know right. I'm still laughing that they though electing a president based solely on gender was a good idea lmao. Hillary is a total crackpot.
2018-08-05 8:58 pm
Not since the clown Obama left
2018-08-06 5:14 am
First off, perhaps you don't know/realize, that over 60% of the average American voter did NOT VOTE in the 2016 election because they didn't consider Either major party candidate a good candidate. Unfortunately that meant that the majority of people who did vote, voted in states that were conservative and they wanted an 'outsider, anti-establishment' candidate. Trump ran an excellent campaign. The results, however, were not typical of an American election. Trust me that we will 'get it right' in 2020.
2018-08-05 10:11 pm
Trump's most serious offense (so far) is frittering away the respect other countries had for America. That loss of respect will have serious consequences long after Trump is gone.
2018-08-05 8:41 pm
Embarrassed? Missing the loop?
Had the architect of SPIN, Obama wHo SQUAWKED "ChAnGe", delivered on the platform he ran on, Trump wouldn't have got a look in. And seriously? Proposing H Clinton the war mongering disastrous Queen! As if America was a ABSOLUTE MONARCHY!
"There’s an old adage: if you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. The sheer scale of the U.S. military arsenal gives its political leaders a rush. They feel that they can intimidate the rest of the planet to suit their needs."
2018-08-05 8:36 pm
There is no "Embarrassment". The man is speaking what he thinks.
You want Embarrassment, then look to Obama BOWING to Asian heads of State.
2018-08-06 11:50 am
Actually, we have raised ignorance levels and are proud of it. For example, the old comedy show Hee Haw is at least 40 years old and is still in re-re-re-re-re-re-runs. As Mel Tillis would tell the joke. You should be so lucky.
2018-08-06 8:05 pm

How can Murica be embarrassed when Murica didn’t know you even existed?

Here we are, looking for life in other galaxies, planets and solar systems ...and an alleged Sasquatch sighting and you live just across the pond.
2018-08-06 9:42 am
A bit unfair when the majority of us didn't actually vote for him, but yes those and probably even more now are embarrassed by him!

Those that did vote for him and those that you see at his Hillbilly Nuremberg style rallies are the same kind of dumb a$$holes that voted for Brexit in the UK!!! So there are idiots on both sides of the pond!

Unfortunately the US is heading for another economic calamity and unfortunately you will feel it also! Trump is piling up US debt at a staggering rate in another trickle down get rich quick scheme which only the very few have truly benefit by, and this bubble WILL burst, nothing is more certain than that!

The whole world shouldn't be laughing, because when all this goes t!ts up, there will be nothing to laugh about!!!
2018-08-05 8:58 pm
No. They really are that delusional
2018-08-06 11:32 am
When will you get it through your dull excuse for a head that Americans, real Americans, don't give a **** about the "whole world" or what they think?

It really sucks to read history books and even though you Brits had us out-manned and out-gunned, we still kicked your limey asses, right? So keep your pathetic laughing up.
2018-08-06 10:39 am
Yes I am embarrassed every day this moron is in charge.
2018-08-06 8:00 am
I will bite the troll bait.
Not since that mulatto muslim was kicked out. Do not believe that jackwagon who claims less then 40% of Americans voted, sour grapes on his part.
2018-08-05 9:43 pm
Trump is a clown.
2018-08-07 11:58 am
No. Are you embarrassed by the fact that America had to bail you out during two world wars ,and continues to be forced to subsidize your national defense.
2018-08-07 10:27 am
I voted for Trump and I don't care if they laugh at me
2018-08-07 4:05 am
We intellectuals always long have deemed internet trolls to be uncultured, obese swines who can't process any other thought pattern than "I hav tuh pruv i am wurf sumfing"

Illiterate average C student "John the commenter" only validated those thoughts, but oh boy, did you internet trolls hit it out of the park with your perpetual bullshit.

It's like an absurd comedic caricature of everything that is wrong with society upon your pitiful existence. You might think we're in the twilight zone, but no, you are just actually that stupid.

It's both sad and hilarious, but now I can't help but think that you must be a primitive lower life form that deserves nothing but our ridicule.

Do you ever get embarrassed?
2018-08-07 1:08 am
Duh we're embarrassed. Our president is a terrible representation of the average American citizen. He's a representation of our wealthy 1%, actually. Lazy, uneducated, apathetic, selfish. He's a failed business man who only won because his only other opponent basically vored Bernie (literally our only hope in the election at that point, don't lie and say he wasn't.) Hillary is just as bad as Trump is, so a lot of people say that they voted for the "lesser of two evils," if they voted at all. :/
He also used a lot of tactics to persuade. He lied to their faces and said that he stood for the struggling, everyday citizen. People fell for the act. He also played off of things that I don't remember Hillary playing off of much — immigration laws is one of them.
And now look at where we are. Torn immigrant families, a lot of tension between us and Russia + North Korea, and open white supremacists. Trump has done nothing to improve our country, and everything to ruin it.
2018-08-06 2:44 pm
Yes they are
2018-08-06 11:55 am
Listen to a shortwave radio in the evening. The ENTIRE WORLD makes fun of the dotard every night
2018-08-06 7:19 am
I'm not, because this phase of the U.S. will pass as many have passed before. They're gone but the U.S. is still here.
2018-08-05 10:19 pm
I agree with a lot of what you said but you could have asked the question without being offensive. Why didn't you?
2018-08-05 9:52 pm
Yes, we are. There but for fortune. European governments are swinging to the right. Pay attention to what is happening in your own back yard.

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