Why are people in Australia so desperate for a high standard of living?

2018-08-05 3:06 pm

回答 (8)

2018-08-06 9:11 pm
We're used to it. We had a high standard of living right from the beginning, when labour was scarce but capital was flooding in from Britain
2018-08-05 8:05 pm
Because we are not a third world country!
2018-08-05 3:08 pm
Can you mention one country where most people don't want nicer stuff than they have?
2018-08-06 2:38 pm
cause we are not slumy country
2018-08-05 4:13 pm
It is not seen upon as 'desperate' ........ it is human nature to desire a high standard of living.
2018-08-05 6:54 pm
anyone who doesn't try to improve their standard of living has no go in them, everyone wants to improve themselves...... well everyone but hunt, he abuses people that have done something with their life.
2018-08-06 5:07 am
Because they are a third world country. They watch the Americans in movies and desire to be like the Americans ,but they don't work hard for it ,only the Asian immigrants do while rest of them are bludging on Centerlink.You are not entitled to high standard of living unless you work hard for it
參考: ..
2018-08-05 3:38 pm
Everyone wants to achieve the standard of living they aspire to. If we are comfortable living modestly, then we have found our comfort zone. If we want more, we have to go for it because, no matter how long we wait, no one will provide it for us. Every culture has a bit of 'keeping up with the Jones's', which can affect our aspiration level, even if we would be happy with a modest lifestyle. There is nothing wrong with achieving a high standard of living if we can sustain it.
2018-08-10 1:07 pm
Normal standard of living is fine for me.

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