Should I still go home even after she cursed me out ?

2018-08-05 1:05 pm
So I came to my parents house to visit at 9 my mom asked if I’m staying over night I said yes then at 12 I say that I changed my mind and i wanna go and immediately after I said that she flipped out and called me a low life piece of ****. And then she said I abandoned my family etc was very angry and aggressive about it This type of behavior is hurtful and damaging. so I know that she wants me to stay and if I stay she will be happy but if I go she will be mad but considering the way she talked to me I feel like I should go in order to teach her a lesson that she isn’t allowed to talk to me like that, considering that is the type of language that got me depressed in the first place. So do you think I should stay or go? Will she learn a lesson if I go??

回答 (3)

2018-08-05 1:15 pm
The object would not be to teach her a lesson. If there is a lesson to be taught, you both should learn it. She was counting on you. She probably fixed up the guest room really nicely, had plans for breakfast, etc. It was inconsiderate of you to back out at 12 midnight. That said, it does not justify her disgraceful reaction. She has a toilet mouth. At this point, don't apologize. You don't owe her that after her toilet mouth to you. Just put it in the past and the next time you tell her that you would like to stay overnight, tell her that this time, you will not back out. When you say you are going to stay overnight, DO stay overnight.
2018-08-05 1:10 pm
Do what's best for you.

Keep in mind, your parents/family don't live with you. So... of course, they're going to want you to stay. So when you give your word you're staying, then renig, it frustrates them because you got their hopes up.

We go thru this all the time with my youngest sibling.

If you don't have to go home, stomach at least one night at your parents house. They want to see you.
2018-08-06 8:38 am
i would go if shes going to be treating you like that

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